Monday, November 8, 2010

Too excited.

I won't explain the whole background story of where the idea came from but I can say it came from scholarship hunting and the NOW foundation. (National Organization for Women) I have always wanted to find a place in my life where I belong, where I am needed and where I excel. So far I have found three things: caring for people, making music and leading a large group. Last night I found my fourth. I am going to start a club at my high school called the LYB campaign. The Love Your Body Campaign will be a club for girls to come together to develop an alliance with one another across a popular commonality. Self-Image. I have personal experience with low self-esteem and I want to be that person who can help other girls get through the rough high school times where it seems nobody fits in, nobody fits in their jeans and their beautiful hearts can't fit into their tiny, bony bodies.
I'm going to be the change in my school. I'm going to keep you updated with it as it develops and with our activites. But I was too excited to miss a beat and share with someone. Here starts the future.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Wonderful, Cassie! What an amazing and powerful leader and example you will be.


